
Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Ever First Blog Award!


I would like to thank Jenny @ Cassandra's Corner for giving me my first ever blog award. I am so excited and thankful to have been recognized!

So with this award comes some responsibility.  Here are the rules:
#1 Choose 5 up and coming blogs to pass the Liebster Blog to. Each blog must have less than 200 followers.
#2 Show your thanks and appreciation to the blogger that gave you the award by linking back to them.
#3 Share 5 random facts about yourself
#4 Post the award to your blog

5 Random Facts about Me:  

1. I love gummy bears. 

2.  My mom bought an old farm in NJ and while clearing it they found a grave stone on it and it had my name on it, Angelia, but from the 1800's.

3. I love going to Goodwill and spending way too much time looking around.

4. I am addicted to King of Queens, Seinfeld and Big bang theory reruns.

5. My husband and I met on a blind date and will be married 16 years in November.

So it brings me great pleasure to send you over to follow her blog. Thank you so much for recognizing me!

Please also pay a visit to the following fabulous blogs that I'm passing this award along to:


  1. Thank you so much for the award :)

  2. Thank you so much for recognizing my blog! :) I have posted the award on my awards page. --Elena

  3. Thank You so much for the award! You're the BEST!

  4. First time here. The title, "Creative bliss" brought me here and I must say that I am impressed with your blog. Please permit me to be one of your "followers".

    1. Thank you so much for the comment and following:)

  5. Found your blog through the Blogelina class. Congratulations on your award!
